In [56]:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import os
import sys
import readsubfHDF5
import emcee
In [57]:
# Read catalog
basedir = '../../../../../../../media/Janus/Illustris-3'
snapid = 135
catalog = readsubfHDF5.subfind_catalog(basedir,snapid)
In [58]:
# Set BH Masses and Accretion Rate
bm = catalog.GroupBHMass
#bm *= 1.e7
#bmdot *= 1.e
print len(bm)
print len(bmdot)
In [59]:
# Plot m vs mdot with metallicity as color
bm = catalog.GroupBHMass
#bm *= 1.e7
#bmdot *= 1.e7
fig = plt.figure(figsize = (10,10))
sc = plt.scatter (np.log10(bm), np.log10(bmdot), c = catalog.GroupStarMetallicity, s = 8, cmap = 'jet')
In [60]:
# Plot m vs mdot colored by sfr
bm = catalog.GroupBHMass
#bm *= 1.e7
bmdot = catalog.GroupBHMdot
#bmdot *= 1.e7
sfr = catalog.GroupSFR
fig = plt.figure(figsize = (10,10))
#sc = plt.scatter (np.log10(bm), np.log10(bmdot), s = 8, alpha = 0.5)
sc = plt.scatter (np.log10(bm), np.log10(bmdot), c = np.log10(sfr), cmap = 'jet', s = 8, alpha = 0.5)
In [61]:
bm = catalog.GroupBHMass
#bm *= 1.e7
bmdot = catalog.GroupBHMdot
#bmdot *= 1.e7
print 'Number of BHs:', len(bm)
plt.hist(bm, bins=30, log = True)
plt.xlabel('log BH mass [$10^{10} M_{\odot}$]')
In [62]:
bm = np.asarray(catalog.GroupBHMass)
#bm *= 1.e7
bmdot = np.asarray(catalog.GroupBHMdot)
#bmdot *= 1.e7
print np.sum(bm==0), np.sum(bm!=0), len(bm)
print np.sum(bmdot==0), np.sum(bmdot!=0), len(bmdot)
cond = (bm != 0) * (bmdot != 0)
bm = bm[cond]
bmdot = bmdot[cond]
plt.hist(bm, log = True)
plt.hist(bmdot, log = True)
In [63]:
fig = plt.figure(figsize = (8,4), dpi = 400)
plt.loglog(bm, bmdot, '.', alpha = 0.1)
plt.ylabel('$\.{M}_{BH}$', size = 14)
plt.xlabel('$M_{BH}$', size = 14)
plt.title('Illustris-2 Black hole population', size = 18)
In [64]:
bm = np.asarray(catalog.GroupBHMass)
bmdot = np.asarray(catalog.GroupBHMdot)
np.savetxt('bm.txt', bm)
np.savetxt('bmdot.txt', bmdot)
In [65]:
from matplotlib.colors import LogNorm
bm = np.asarray(catalog.GroupBHMass)
bmdot = np.asarray(catalog.GroupBHMdot)
cond = (bm != 0) * (bmdot != 0)
bm = bm[cond]
bmdot = bmdot[cond]
now transform m and mdot from simulation units to real units
(Msol and Msol/s)
bm_phys = bm * 4.3e10
bmdot_phys = bmdot * 9.72e-7
from sklearn import mixture
import matplotlib.pyplot
import matplotlib.mlab
import numpy as np
clf = mixture.GMM(n_components=2, covariance_type='full')
m1, m2 = clf.means_
print m1, m2
w1, w2 = clf.weights_
c1, c2 = clf.covars_
histdist = matplotlib.pyplot.hist(np.log10(bmdot_phys), 100, normed=True)
plotgauss1 = lambda x: plot(x,w1*matplotlib.mlab.normpdf(x,m1,np.sqrt(c1))[0], linewidth=2)
plotgauss2 = lambda x: plot(x,w2*matplotlib.mlab.normpdf(x,m2,np.sqrt(c2))[0], linewidth=2)
plt.xlabel('Accretion Rate [$log_{10}(M_{\odot}/s)$]', size = 14)
plt.ylabel('fraction of sample', size = 14)
plt.title('$\.{M}_{BH}$ distribution', size = 18)
fig = plt.figure(figsize = (8,4), dpi = 400)
plt.loglog(bm_phys, bmdot_phys, '.', alpha = 0.1)
plt.ylabel('$\.{M}_{BH}$[$log_{10}(M_{\odot}/s)$]', size = 14)
plt.xlabel('$M_{BH}$[$log_{10}(M_{\odot})$]', size = 14)
plt.title('Illustris-2 Black hole population', size = 18)
fig = plt.figure(figsize = (12,8), dpi = 400)
bmdot_phys = bmdot_phys[ np.log10(bmdot_phys) > m2]
bm_phys = bm_phys[ np.log10(bmdot_phys) > m2 ]
p, residual, rank, singular_values, rcond = np.polyfit( np.log10(bm_phys), np.log10(bmdot_phys), 1, full = True )
plt.plot(np.linspace(5., 11., 100), np.polyval(p, np.linspace(5., 11., 100)), c = 'g', linestyle = '--')
relation_params = p
H, xedges, yedges = np.histogram2d(np.log10(bm_phys), np.log10(bmdot_phys), 30)
plt.imshow(H.T, origin = 'lower', extent = [xedges[0], xedges[-1], yedges[0], yedges[-1]], cmap = 'Oranges', norm=LogNorm(), aspect = 0.667, interpolation = 'None')
plt.colorbar(shrink = 0.8)
plt.scatter(np.log10(bm_phys[::50]), np.log10(bmdot_phys[::50]), marker = '.', c = 'grey')
plt.text(6.5,-7.5, '$log_{10}(\.{M})$ = ' + str(np.round(p[0], 3)) + ' $log_{10}(M)$ ' + str(np.sign(p[1]))[0] + str(np.abs(np.round(p[1], 3))), size = 16, color = 'k' )
plt.ylabel('Accretion Rate [$log_{10}(M_{\odot}/s)$]', size = 16)
plt.xlabel('BH Mass [$log_{10}(M_{\odot})$]', size = 16)
plt.title('Illustris-2 Black hole population', size = 16)
In [66]:
residuals = (np.log10(bmdot_phys)) - (np.polyval(p, np.log10(bm_phys)))
s = np.sqrt( np.sum(residuals**2.) / (len(residuals) - 2) )
se = s / np.sqrt( np.sum( (np.log10(bm_phys) - np.mean(np.log10(bm_phys)))**2. ) )
print se
In [20]:
import scipy.stats
LHS_case1 = np.log10(623.04*bm_phys + 1.656e-15) - np.log10(bm_phys)
RHS_case1 = np.log10(bmdot_phys)
slope, intercept, r_value, p_value, std_err = scipy.stats.linregress(RHS_case1, LHS_case1)
print slope, intercept, r_value**2.
fig = plt.figure(figsize = (12,8), dpi = 400)
#H, xedges, yedges = np.histogram2d(RHS_case1, LHS_case1, (40, 20))
#plt.imshow(H.T, origin = 'lower', extent = [xedges[0], xedges[-1], yedges[0], yedges[-1]], cmap = 'Blues', norm=LogNorm(), interpolation = 'None', zorder = 0)
plt.plot(np.linspace(-7., 5., 100), np.polyval([slope, intercept], np.linspace(-7., 5., 100)), c = 'r', linestyle = '--', zorder = 1)
#plt.scatter(RHS_case1, LHS_case1)
#plt.scatter(RHS_case1, LHS_case1, marker = '.', s = 1, zorder = 0)
plt.ylabel('$log_{10}(L_X) - \,log_{10}(M)$', size = 16)
plt.xlabel('$log_{10}(\.{M})$', size = 16)
plt.text(-6.5, 2.9, '$log_{10}(L_X) - log_{10}(M)$ = ' + str(np.round(slope, 3)) + ' $(log_{10}(\.{M}))$ + ' + str(np.abs(np.round(intercept, 3))), size = 16, color = 'k' )
plt.title('$L_X \propto M$', size = 18)
In [21]:
plt.ylabel('$log_{10}(L_X) - \,log_{10}(M)$', size = 16)
plt.xlabel('$log_{10}(\.{M})$', size = 16)
#plt.text(-6.5, .005, '$log_{10}(L_X) - log_{10}(M)$ = ' + str(np.round(slope, 3)) + ' $(log_{10}(\.{M}))$ + ' + str(np.abs(np.round(intercept, 3))), size = 16, color = 'k' )
plt.title('$L_X \propto M$', size = 18)
plt.scatter(RHS_case1, LHS_case1)
In [22]:
import scipy.stats
LHS_case1 = np.log10(623.04*bm_phys + 1.656e-15)
RHS_case1 = np.log10(bmdot_phys) + np.log10(bm_phys)
slope, intercept, r_value, p_value, std_err = scipy.stats.linregress(RHS_case1, LHS_case1)
print slope, intercept, r_value**2.
fig = plt.figure(figsize = (12,8), dpi = 400)
H, xedges, yedges = np.histogram2d(RHS_case1, LHS_case1, (40, 20))
plt.imshow(H.T, origin = 'lower', extent = [xedges[0], xedges[-1], yedges[0], yedges[-1]], cmap = 'Blues', norm=LogNorm(), interpolation = 'None', zorder = 0)
plt.plot(np.linspace(-7., 5., 100), np.polyval([slope, intercept], np.linspace(-7., 5., 100)), c = 'r', linestyle = '--', zorder = 1)
#plt.scatter(RHS_case1, LHS_case1, marker = '.', s = 1, zorder = 0)
plt.ylabel('$log_{10}(L_X) = log_{10}(623.04 \, M + 1.656 \\times 10^{-15})$', size = 16)
plt.xlabel('$log_{10}(\.{M}) + \,log_{10}(M)$', size = 16)
plt.text(-6.5, 14., '$log_{10}(L_X)$ = ' + str(np.round(slope, 3)) + ' ($log_{10}(\.{M}) + log_{10}(M))$ + ' + str(np.abs(np.round(intercept, 3))), size = 16, color = 'k' )
plt.title('$L_X \propto M$', size = 18)
In [15]:
import scipy.stats
LHS_case2 = np.log10(4.64e19 * bmdot_phys) - np.log10(bm_phys) # y axis
RHS_case2 = np.log10(bmdot_phys) # x axis
slope, intercept, r_value, p_value, std_err = scipy.stats.linregress(RHS_case2, LHS_case2)
print slope, intercept, r_value**2.
fig = plt.figure(figsize = (12,8), dpi = 400)
H, xedges, yedges = np.histogram2d(RHS_case2, LHS_case2, (40, 20))
plt.imshow(H.T, origin = 'lower', extent = [xedges[0], xedges[-1], yedges[0], yedges[-1]], cmap = 'Blues', norm=LogNorm(), interpolation = 'None', zorder = 0)
plt.plot(np.linspace(-14., -7., 100), np.polyval([slope, intercept], np.linspace(-14., -7., 100)), c = 'r', linestyle = '--', zorder = 1)
#plt.scatter(RHS_case1, LHS_case1, marker = '.', s = 1, zorder = 0)
plt.ylabel('$log_{10}(L_X) - log_{10}(M)$', size = 16)
plt.xlabel('$log_{10}(\.{M})$', size = 16)
plt.text(-13., 4., '$log_{10}(L_X) - log_{10}(M)$ = ' + str(np.round(slope, 3)) + ' $log_{10}(\.{M})$ + ' + str(np.abs(np.round(intercept, 3))), size = 16, color = 'k' )
plt.title('$L_X \propto \.{M}$', size = 18)
In [16]:
import scipy.stats
LHS_case2 = np.log10(4.64e19 * bmdot_phys)
RHS_case2 = np.log10(bmdot_phys) + np.log10(bm_phys)
slope, intercept, r_value, p_value, std_err = scipy.stats.linregress(RHS_case2, LHS_case2)
print slope, intercept, r_value**2.
fig = plt.figure(figsize = (12,8), dpi = 400)
H, xedges, yedges = np.histogram2d(RHS_case2, LHS_case2, (40, 20))
plt.imshow(H.T, origin = 'lower', extent = [xedges[0], xedges[-1], yedges[0], yedges[-1]], cmap = 'Blues', norm=LogNorm(), interpolation = 'None', zorder = 0)
plt.plot(np.linspace(-7., 5., 100), np.polyval([slope, intercept], np.linspace(-7., 5., 100)), c = 'r', linestyle = '--', zorder = 1)
#plt.scatter(RHS_case1, LHS_case1, marker = '.', s = 1, zorder = 0)
plt.ylabel('$log_{10}(L_X) = log_{10}(4.64 \\times 10^{19} \, \.{M})$', size = 16)
plt.xlabel('$log_{10}(\.{M}) + \,log_{10}(M)$', size = 16)
plt.text(-6.5, 12., '$log_{10}(L_X)$ = ' + str(np.round(slope, 3)) + ' ($log_{10}(\.{M}) + log_{10}(M))$ + ' + str(np.abs(np.round(intercept, 3))), size = 16, color = 'k' )
plt.title('$L_X \propto \.{M}$', size = 18)
In [77]:
import scipy.optimize as spopt
def f(q, m, mdot):
a1 = 623.04
b = 1.656e-15
d = relation_params[0]
a2 = 9.03e18
e = -relation_params[1]
return np.log10(a1 + b/m) - d*q*np.log(m) + e*q - np.log10(a2*mdot + b) + (1. - e*q)/d * np.log10(mdot)
sols = []
#sol = spopt.root(f, [1.], args = (bm_phys[0], bmdot_phys[0]))
#print sol.x[0]
for i in range(len(bmdot_phys)):
sol = spopt.root(f, [1.], args = (bm_phys[i], bmdot_phys[i]))
#print sol.x[0]
plt.figure(figsize=(8,6), dpi = 400)
#print sols
plt.hist(sols, bins = 50)
plt.axvline(np.mean(sols), c = 'r', linestyle = '--')
print str(np.round(np.mean(sols), 4))
plt.xlabel('best-fit $q$ value', size = 14)
plt.ylabel('# of BHs', size = 14)
plt.title('best-fit $q$ values', size = 18)
sol_perc = np.percentile(sols, [14,50,86])
print sol_perc[1] - sol_perc[0], sol_perc[1], sol_perc[2] - sol_perc[1]
hist, bin_edges = np.histogram(sols, bins = 50)
bin_centers = 0.5 * (bin_edges[:-1] + bin_edges[1:])
print np.max(hist), bin_centers[np.argmax(hist)]
In [68]:
alpha = 3.2e4 #propto M
beta = 4.65e19 #propto Mdot
plt.hist(np.log10((beta*bm_phys)/(alpha*bmdot_phys)), bins = 20)
In [96]:
alpha = 3.2e3 #propto Mdot
beta = 4.65e19 #propto M
epsilon = 0.866
eta = 4.705
m_mdot = [bm_phys, bmdot_phys]
def fm(m_mdot, q, k):
m = m_mdot[0]
mdot = m_mdot[1]
return epsilon * np.log10(m*beta) + eta - np.log10(m) - q*np.log10(mdot) - k
def fmdot(m_mdot, q, k):
m = m_mdot[0]
mdot = m_mdot[1]
return epsilon * np.log10(mdot*alpha) + eta - np.log10(m) - q*np.log10(mdot) - k
In [103]:
opt, cov = spopt.curve_fit(fm, m_mdot, np.zeros(len(bm_phys)))
print opt, np.sqrt(np.diagonal(cov))
x_pts = np.log10(bmdot_phys)
y_pts = np.log10(beta*bm_phys) - np.log10(bm_phys)
plt.scatter(x_pts[:75], y_pts[:75], marker = 'x', color = 'b')
In [114]:
opt, cov = spopt.curve_fit(fmdot, m_mdot, np.zeros(len(bm_phys)))
print opt, np.sqrt(np.diagonal(cov))
x_pts = np.log10(bmdot_phys)
y_pts = np.log10(alpha*bmdot_phys) - np.log10(bm_phys)
plt.scatter(x_pts[:75], y_pts[:75], marker = 'x', color = 'b')
plt.plot(np.linspace(np.min(x_pts), np.max(x_pts), 50), opt[0] * np.linspace(np.min(x_pts), np.max(x_pts), 50) + opt[1], linestyle = '--', c = 'g')
In [ ]: